Hitorijime My Hero
"Hitorijime My Hero" is a Boys' Love (BL) anime series based on the manga written and illustrated by Memeco Arii. The anime adaptation was produced by Encourage Films and aired from July to September 2017. The story of "Hitorijime My Hero" revolves around the lives of several high school students and explores their relationships and personal growth. The central focus is on the budding romance between Masahiro Setagawa, a young delinquent with a troubled past, and Kousuke Ooshiba, a caring and respected high school teacher.
Masahiro, who has grown accustomed to a life of indifference and neglect, finds solace and guidance in Kousuke. As their bond deepens, Masahiro begins to question his own worth and strives to become a better person. Alongside their story, the series also delves into the lives of their friends and classmates, highlighting their own struggles and connections. "Hitorijime My Hero" explores themes of self-acceptance, redemption, and the transformative power of love. It portrays the complexities of human emotions, the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, and the importance of supportive relationships in navigating life's difficulties.
The anime received positive feedback for its engaging characters, heartfelt storytelling, and its ability to balance romance and coming-of-age themes. It resonated with viewers by depicting realistic portrayals of personal growth and the transformative impact that relationships can have on individuals. "Hitorijime My Hero" contributed to the increasing visibility and acceptance of BL narratives in mainstream anime. It emphasized the importance of representation and showcased diverse relationships and identities within the LGBTQ+ community.
In conclusion, "Hitorijime My Hero" is a heartfelt and engaging BL anime series that explores themes of romantic love, personal growth, and acceptance. Through its relatable characters and sincere storytelling, the series has made an impact within the BL genre and resonated with viewers by portraying the transformative power of love and the importance of understanding and supporting one another.
Title: Hitorijime My Hero
Author: Memeco Arii
Genre: Animation, Drama, Romance
Episodes: 12
Watch here: https://www.amazon.com/Hitorijime-My-Hero-Season-1/dp/B073SFK51F