The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window
"The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window" (Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru) is a popular BL (Boys' Love) manga series written and illustrated by Tomoko Yamashita. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no anime adaptation of this series. The story revolves around Mikado Ryuugamine, a bookstore employee who possesses a unique ability to see ghosts. He meets a famous psychic named Rihito Hiyakawa, who is capable of exorcising spirits. Together, they form an unlikely partnership to solve paranormal mysteries and confront supernatural entities.
"The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window" is known for its blend of supernatural elements and romance. It explores the complex relationship between Mikado and Rihito as they navigate their own personal struggles, uncover dark secrets, and grow closer to each other. While the series has not been adapted into an anime, it has gained a dedicated fanbase for its intriguing plot, well-developed characters, and the delicate balance it strikes between supernatural suspense and romantic tension.
Title: Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru
Author: Tomoko Yamashita
Genre: Animation, Fantasy, Mystery
Episodes: 12
Watch here: