Love Stage
"Love Stage!!" is a Boys' Love (BL) anime series based on the manga written by Eiki Eiki and illustrated by Taishi Zaou. The anime adaptation was produced by J.C.Staff and aired from July to September 2014. The story of "Love Stage!!" centers around Izumi Sena, a young man from a famous showbiz family who aspires to become a manga artist. Despite his family's expectations, Izumi has no interest in pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. However, due to a twist of fate, he is cast in a TV commercial alongside the popular actor, Ryouma Ichijou.
During the filming, Ryouma becomes infatuated with Izumi, mistaking him for a girl due to his feminine appearance. As their paths continue to cross, Ryouma discovers Izumi's true gender and recognizes his own feelings for him. The series follows their evolving relationship as they navigate the challenges of show business, personal insecurities, and the complexities of their feelings for each other. "Love Stage!!" explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the exploration of one's sexual orientation. The anime combines comedy, romance, and drama to depict the ups and downs of Izumi and Ryouma's relationship, as well as the dynamics within the entertainment industry.
The series received positive reviews for its engaging characters, humorous moments, and the development of the central romantic relationship. It struck a chord with fans, both within and beyond the BL fandom, by portraying a heartwarming story that challenges societal norms and celebrates love in all its forms. "Love Stage!!" contributed to the growing acceptance and visibility of BL narratives in mainstream anime. It showcased a well-rounded cast of characters and emphasized the importance of understanding and accepting one's true self, regardless of societal expectations.
In summary, "Love Stage!!" is a charming and heartfelt BL anime series that explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the complexities of relationships. With its engaging characters and a blend of comedy and romance, the series has captivated fans and made a notable impact within the BL genre.
Title: Love Stage!!
Author: Eiki EIKI
Genre: Animation, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 11
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