"Given" is a Japanese animated series, often categorized as a Boys' Love (BL) anime. It is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Natsuki Kizu. That is one of the best BL (Boys Love) anime of all time. The anime adaptation was produced by studio Lerche and aired from July to September 2019. The story of "Given" follows the lives of four high school students brought together by their shared love for music. Ritsuka Uenoyama, a skilled guitarist, encounters Mafuyu Sato, a shy and reserved young man, who happens to carry a broken guitar. Intrigued by Mafuyu's singing, Ritsuka offers to fix his guitar and invites him to join his band.
As Mafuyu becomes the vocalist for the band, their group begins to take shape with the addition of Haruki Nakayama on bass and Akihiko Kaji on drums. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, artistic expression, and the complexities of young love. "Given" stands out for its nuanced portrayal of the characters' emotions and the exploration of their personal struggles. Mafuyu, in particular, harbors deep emotional wounds, and as the series progresses, the layers of his past are gradually unraveled. The relationships between the characters, both romantic and platonic, are delicately portrayed, showcasing the challenges and tender moments they experience together.
Through its music, "Given" becomes a central element in the series, conveying emotions that words alone cannot express. The anime features a heartfelt soundtrack composed by Michiru Oshima, which enhances the emotional impact of the story and the characters' musical performances. The anime received critical acclaim for its mature and realistic portrayal of relationships, the well-developed characters, and its sensitive handling of sensitive topics such as grief, identity, and self-acceptance. It resonated with audiences within and beyond the BL fandom, emphasizing the universal themes of love, friendship, and personal growth.
"Given" has contributed to the increasing visibility and acceptance of BL narratives in mainstream anime. It has garnered a dedicated fanbase, not only for its representation of same-sex relationships but also for its compelling storytelling, relatable characters, and stunning animation. In conclusion, "Given" is a poignant and heartfelt anime that explores themes of love, music, and personal growth. Through its emotional storytelling, memorable characters, and captivating music, the series has made a significant impact on the BL genre, resonating with audiences and leaving a lasting impression.
Title: Given
Author: Natsuki Kizu
Genre: Animation, Drama, Music
Episodes: 11
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