Data Sketches

Ranked twelfth on this list the best books on data visualization are Data Sketches. It's a tour de force — think coffee table book meets tech — and a terrific book to read if you've dabbled in data visualization and want to take it to the next level. It's a fantastic resource for folks who wish to advance in their careers.
The book is a combination of memoir (for the most part), technical book, and design book. With it, you won't be able to "learn" data visualization (although you might learn some interesting concepts, tips, and interesting approaches). However, you'll be immersed in the work of two excellent specialists. And, most importantly, you'll be motivated to learn more, experiment more, and explore new ways, regardless of where you are in your data viz journey.
Nadieh Bremer and Shirley Wu's book Data Sketches documents the deeply creative process behind 24 different data visualization projects, combining it with significant technical insights that expose the mindset behind coding creatively. Each pair of visualizations explores new technologies and styles, blurring the line between visualization as an exploration tool and an art form in its own right, with subjects ranging from the Olympics to Presidents & Royals and Movies to Myths & Legends. Every step along the process, the authors' notes, and drafts are shared in this lovely book, which gives an intimate, behind-the-scenes overview of all 24 projects.
Nathan Yau, Creator of FlowingData and Author left a comment saying that: "Data Sketches, a collaboration between Nadieh Bremer and Shirley Wu, is an excellent illustration of what you can accomplish with data visualization beyond a typical chart. They demonstrate that visualization may be both practical and pleasing to the eye. They demonstrate the numerous possibilities that may be realized when data and graphics are carefully considered. The finest part of Data Sketches is that Bremer and Wu chronicled their procedures so that you can learn about the tools they used, the data's messiness, and how they got over the roadblocks."
Author: Nadieh Bremer and Shirley
Language: English
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