Diaphragmatic breathing exercise
You may carry out the diaphragmatic breathing exercise by following these steps:
- Lie on your back and either sit in a chair or bend your knees over a pillow.
- Put one hand on your tummy and the other flat against your chest.
- Breathe deeply and slowly through your nose, allowing the hand on your stomach to rise and fall in time with your chest hand.
- Next, slowly inhale through your pursed lips.
- Lastly, you can breathe in and out without having to move your chest.
The first few times you practice diaphragmatic breathing, like with learning anything new, it could be challenging. Spend a few minutes each day practicing your new skill, which has numerous advantages for your overall health and may help in relaxation. By strengthening your diaphragm, this approach slows your breathing and lowers the amount of oxygen you need.