Diary of a Future President
Diary of a Future President is an American comedy-drama television series aired on Disney+ on January 17, 2020. The story of the 13-year-old Cuban American girl, Elena, who navigating her first year in the middle school and dreams to become the next president of the United States.
Elena Caero-Reed, a future leader and Cuban American, was introduced in the series when she entered seventh grade. Told using the narration of excerpts from Elena’s diary, the series followed Elena through the ups and downs of middle school, setting her on the path to becoming the president of the United States. Glee is unlike anything else on TV and is sharp and funny at its best. There are some absolutely incredible performances, particularly in terms of musical talent as well as some genuinely powerful moments that encourage viewers to celebrate their true selves.
Detailed Information:
Genre: Comedy-drama
Created: Ilana Peña
Starring: Tess Romero, Selenis Leyva, Charlie Bushnell, Michael Weaver
No. of seasons: 2
No. of episodes: 20