Dulombi-Boe National Park
An unknown and unmapped enclave, Guinea-Bissau's largest national park, Dulombi-Boe National Park, is a park only for the most intrepid travellers.
Dulombi-Boe National Park includes winding river channels and riparian pockets of forest, endless stretches of grassy savanna in the West African winds, and the curving streams of Corubal as it flows from the inland hills toward the Atlantic Ocean to the west.
There are animals, of course, with chimpanzees being among the most endangered. In addition, you can expect to observe canines and lots of herds of cattle grazing in the fields. It is considered one of the best places to visit in Guinea-Bissau.
Location: Nearby to Sonco, Rio Gongueque, and Rio de Quirafo,Guinea-Bissau