Fallen Mystic Master
Duo Xuan Shi, also known as Fallen Mystic Master, is a Chinese animated series produced by Tencent Animation & Comics and Tencent Penguin Pictures. The series is still ongoing and the number of episodes is unknown.The story is set in a world where martial arts and cultivation are the way of life. The plot follows the story of Chu Yue, who was excelling in the Z Organization but was betrayed and killed. His soul was put into the Nine Wilds World with the help of the Nine Wilds Mirror system. Chu Yue grows stronger day by day in order to have a secure survival. He comes to know that the body he was in was Nine Desolation Mirror System’s host. In Nine Desolation World, there were so many of these hosts as well.
Thus, this made him more curious and he kept on exploring about Nine Desolation Mirror System. Although it seemed like Chu Yue was enjoying this process too as he made several friends named Si Xiaonan, Jiu Gongzi, Cangyun, and Dongzhixue, and other than these he grew closer to Fei Qian, Bai Pan, Shen Ran, and beast wool
- Release date: February 5, 2021
- Developed by: Tencent Animation & Comics and Tencent Penguin Pictures
- Number of episodes: 13+
- Watch here: https://yugenanime.tv/anime/7791/zhen-dao-ge/watch/