My Journey in An Alternate World
In "Wo De Yi Jie Zhi" (My Journey in an Alternate World), the captivating narrative revolves around Chen Xiaofan, an ordinary young boy whose life takes an extraordinary turn when he unwittingly ingests a Chaos Orb, propelling him into an alternate reality. In this new world, he assumes the persona of Young Master Chen, renowned for his unparalleled handsomeness in Muyun City. Yet, despite being the object of admiration for countless ladies, Chen Xiaofan faces a profound challenge – his inability to cultivate, the very essence of power in this realm.
Determined and resolute, he defies the wishes of his own family, relinquishing the life of luxury and ease as a pampered young master. Instead, he embarks on an arduous journey to master the ancient arts of cultivation, driven by an unwavering determination to unlock his true potential and make his mark in this alternate world. Chen Xiaofan's tale is one of transformation, resilience, and the pursuit of inner strength amidst a backdrop of allure and mystique.
- Release date: January 13, 2022
- Developed by: bilibili and Xuanyuan Network
- Number of episodes: 40
- Watch here: