Swallowed Star
"Swallowed Star," also known as "Tunshi Xingkong," marks a riveting entry into the world of donghua, captivating viewers since its release on November 29, 2020. Adapted from the web novel by the acclaimed Chinese author I Eat Tomatoes, renowned for his literary prowess, it unfolds as an enthralling sci-fi narrative set in a post-apocalyptic world plagued by the insidious RR virus. This malevolent virus transforms ordinary people into grotesque zombies and monstrous creatures, casting humanity into a relentless battle for survival.
At the heart of this gripping tale stands Luo Feng, a high school student who miraculously survives the initial outbreak and chooses to join the ranks of the valiant army, determined to confront the enigmatic invaders. As his journey unfolds, Luo Feng discovers an extraordinary talent for cultivation, blossoming into a formidable warrior. His destiny takes an otherworldly twist when he stumbles upon a mysterious black metal sphere, harboring the secrets of the cosmos and the virus's enigmatic origins.
- Release date: November 29, 2020
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures
- Number of episodes: 85
- Watch here: https://wetv.vip/en/play/0qgqd4kcd9ajxrs