Ten Thousand Worlds
"Wan Jie Du Zun," also recognized as "Ten Thousand Worlds," is a captivating Chinese animated series brought to life by Tencent Penguin Pictures and Ruo Hong Culture. Comprising 50 thrilling episodes, each lasting 10 minutes, the series unfolds in a realm where martial arts and cultivation are paramount.
The tale centers on Lin Feng, a young man harboring a rare bloodline, rendering him the coveted target of formidable clans. With unwavering determination and the support of loyal friends, Lin Feng sets forth on a transformative journey. His quest is twofold: to unravel the enigmatic secrets of his bloodline and to ascend as the mightiest cultivator in the world.
As Lin Feng confronts adversaries, unravels mysteries, and harnesses his innate potential, "Wan Jie Du Zun" promises a riveting narrative steeped in martial arts prowess, camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit of power in a world where cultivation is the ultimate path to greatness.
- Release date: April 6, 2021
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures and Ruo Hong Culture
- Number of episodes: 100+
- Watch here: https://animixplay.to/anime/48684/Wan_Jie_Du_Zun