Shrounding the Heavens
"Shrouding the Heavens," also known as "Zhe Tian," is a captivating Chinese animated series brought to life by Tencent Penguin Pictures and Original Force. The narrative unfolds in a realm where martial arts and cultivation reign supreme, shaping the very essence of existence. The series delves into the journey of a group of post-graduation teenagers who stumble upon an ancient bronze coffin, rumored to house the remains of nine mighty dragons. Their destinies take a dramatic turn as they are unexpectedly transported from Earth to an enigmatic, uncharted planet.
To secure their survival and find a path back to their home planet, these youths must embark on a journey of cultivation and self-discovery in this mysterious world. The question that lingers is whether their efforts will bear fruit or if they'll face insurmountable challenges in their quest to return to Earth.
- Release date: May 3, 2023
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures and Original Force
- Number of episodes: 24+
- Watch here: