Fox Spirit Matchmaker
Fox Spirit Matchmaker, also known as Huyao Xiao Hongniang, is a Chinese-Japanese animated series that is based on a Chinese romance webcomic of the same name by Tuo Xiaoxin and Pansi Daxian. The series revolves around the concept of reincarnation and the bond between humans and spirits.
The series follows the adventures of Suusu, a young fox spirit who works as a matchmaker for humans and spirits. She meets Yuechu, a human who has a special ability to see spirits and who is the reincarnation of her former lover. Together, they help other couples who are separated by death and rebirth to reunite and restore their memories.
The series also features other characters, such as Tushan Honghong, the leader of the fox spirits and Suusu's sister; Tushan Yaya, a powerful fox spirit who is in love with Yuechu; Wang Fugui, a human who is obsessed with money and spirits; and Fan Yunfei, a human who is the reincarnation of a legendary hero.
- Release date: June 26, 2015
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures and Haoliners Animation League
- Number of episodes: 13
- Watch here: