Link Click
"Link Click" is a captivating donghua that delves into the extraordinary adventures of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang. Their unique ability to traverse into the memories of their customers' photographs adds a fascinating twist to the story. As dedicated employees of the "Time Photo Studio," nestled in a bustling city, they embark on a thrilling journey with every click of the camera.
Their commitment to fulfilling orders, regardless of the inherent risks, speaks volumes about their unwavering dedication to their craft. Whether it's delving into heartwarming family snapshots or diving headfirst into perilous situations, Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang's bravery shines through as they navigate the complexities of their clients' memories.
"Link Click" not only explores the magic of photography but also highlights the power of connection, memory, and the lengths to which individuals will go to preserve the moments that define their lives.
- Release date: July 14, 2023
- Developed by: LAN Studio and Haoliners Animation League
- Number of episodes: 12+
- Watch here: