Frankenstein Family
"Frankenstein Family" is a captivating Chinese anime series, derived from a web manga of the same title, which offers a unique blend of science fiction, slice of life, and drama genres. At its core, the show revolves around Tanis, a child prodigy, and the youngest scion of a peculiar family: two eccentric mad scientists. The family has always existed on the fringes of normalcy, sequestered away on a remote island, where bizarre experiments on Tanis' siblings bestow them with extraordinary abilities. Their clandestine activities, however, are abruptly halted when authorities apprehend and detain the parents.
Transplanted to a bustling island by government officials, Tanis and his four genetically-altered siblings must now confront the challenges of fitting into society. With his unaltered genes, Tanis becomes the de facto guardian and guide for Snow, Ashise, Aisley, and Suishi, each of whom bears conspicuous physical and mental distinctions. Amidst the complexities of adaptation and secrecy, "Frankenstein Family" unravels a compelling narrative, exploring themes of family, identity, and the boundaries of human nature.
- Release date: April 9, 2018
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures, KJJ Animation, Da Huoniao Donghua, Big Firebird Culture
- Number of episodes: 12
- Watch here: