To Be Hero
To Be Hero is a Japanese/Chinese anime television series animated by BLADE and produced by Emon. The story follows Uncle, a lecherous but handsome toilet designer, who spends his days neglecting his duties as a single parent to hit on women and talk about his “superpower”: his ability to tell a lady’s hip size at a glance. However, when he is sucked down into a toilet, the Space Peace Republic Alliance Hero Committee gives him real superpowers, and he becomes the hero of Earth.
There is only one problem - he has become an ugly, unrecognizable fatty who is unable to reveal his real identity. Uncle’s beloved daughter Min-chan does not believe that such a vulgar fatty could be her father, and casts him out of his own home. Distraught and homeless, he joins up with his perverted neighbor Yamada-san, a small man with a fondness for streaking, and sets out to convince Min-chan that he is her father. The series is a mix of comedy, science fiction, and action genres.
- Release date: October 5, 2016
- Developed by: Emon, LAN Studio
- Number of episodes: 12
- Watch here: