Fried Yojoa Fish

With both an Atlantic and Pacific coast, as well as rivers and lakes, Honduras have a lot to offer. There is no shortage of fresh seafood. Depending on where you get your fish, there are a variety of fish fry restaurants. The concept is the same: Fry! On the picture, fresh water fish from "Lake Yojoa" is served with Tajadas (green banana fries), Encurtido (pickled spicy onions), and, of course, coconut rice and beans, which are to die for.
Fried Yojoa fish is a traditional Honduran dish that comes from the Lago de Yojoa region. The fish is seasoned with salt and spices and marinated for at least an hour. It's deep-fried the next day and traditionally served with pickled red cabbage, pickled onions, and lime slices, with deep-fried plantains, also known as tajaditos, as a side dish.
The marination process ensures that the flesh becomes delicious, flaky, and easily pulled off the bones, distinguishing the Yojoa fish from other types of fried fish.
- What is it: A deep-fried fish, marinated with spices and served with pickled onions and lemon slices.
- What does it taste like: It’s crunchy, tangy, and out of the world. An original dish of the Yojoa province, the savory taste, will enthrall your taste buds just like the way you want.