Fuerteventura is a Canary island in the Spanish archipelago. It is very peaceful, with few humble buildings before the vast nature and vast white sand. Its name is derived from the word "big wind" in Spanish, so it's easy to understand why the island gets a lot of wind. The more bouncy the board, the more challenging the waves. The shoreline shows off beautifully in its ruggedness. Fuerteventura, with its dreamy dunes, is indescribably gentle when the ocean sends a gentle, endlessly pure breeze. It is one of the most popular destinations for surfers in Europe. Many celebrities visit Fuerteventura for surfing and other outdoor activities.
For professional surfers, October to April is the big wave season, suitable for their professional level of longtime play. Although the wind blows year-round, September can still have a few calm days, which is a good time for amateurs or beginners to surf. El Cotillo is one of Fuerteventura's top surfing spots because the sandy bottom is washed away a lot in winter, resulting in big waves and new currents. It is suitable for longtime players. Beginners as well as skilled surfers will love Flag Beach. It is characterized by a thick sandy bottom with many rocks, which makes the waves stable and not too violent. Fuerteventura has more than ten beaches offering something great for all surfers.
Country: Spain