Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
One of the best Shonen Jump anime of all time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, is a Japanese anime television series directed by Yasuhiro Irie. Two characters Edward and Alphonse Elric are reared in the secluded village of Resembool in the land of Amestris by their mother Trisha Elric. Their father Hohenheim, a well-known and skilled alchemist, abandoned his family while the boys were young, and while in Trisha's care, they developed an interest in alchemy and grew interested about its secrets. They were looked for by their best friend Winry Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako after Trisha died of a protracted illness. The guys traveled the world to further their alchemic studies with Izumi Curtis. When they return home, the two resolve to use alchemy to bring their mother back to life.
"Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" explores a wide range of themes, including:
- Alchemy and Equivalent Exchange: Central to the series is the concept of alchemy, where practitioners can transform matter using the Law of Equivalent Exchange. This theme underscores the idea that there are consequences for every action and that nothing comes without a price.
- Brotherhood and Sacrifice: The bond between the two main characters, Edward and Alphonse Elric, is a central theme. Their journey is a testament to the sacrifices they make for each other and the lengths they go to restore their bodies after a failed alchemical experiment.
- Redemption and Atonement: Several characters in the series grapple with their past mistakes and seek redemption for their actions. This theme is particularly prominent in the character arcs of the Homunculi.
Directed by: Yasuhiro Irie
Air dates: April 5, 2009
IMDb rating: 9.1