Jujutsu Kaisen
"Jujutsu Kaisen" is a popular anime and manga series that incorporates several elements commonly found in shonen anime. The main character, Yuji Itadori, the protagonist of the series, Yuji is a high school student with remarkable physical abilities. He becomes a jujutsu sorcerer after consuming a cursed object containing the powerful curse, Sukuna Ryomen. Despite his nonchalant demeanor, Yuji is determined to help others and protect his friends.
Megumi is a fellow first-year jujutsu sorcerer and one of Yuji's closest allies. He wields a powerful shikigami, a magical creature, and specializes in exorcising curses. Megumi is reserved and dedicated to his duties as a sorcerer. Another first-year jujutsu sorcerer, Nobara is known for her assertive personality and combat skills. She uses a special cursed hammer to exorcise curses and is unapologetically straightforward.
Satoru Gojo is a high-ranking jujutsu sorcerer and Yuji's mentor. He is known for his exceptional power and eccentric personality. Gojo possesses the Limitless Cursed Technique and is one of the most powerful characters in the series. Next to Gojo satoru, Sukuna, also known as Ryomen Sukuna, is the primary antagonist of the series. He is a fearsome curse and a legendary figure in the world of jujutsu sorcery. His presence looms large over the story, and he becomes a major source of conflict.
These are just a few of the prominent characters in "Jujutsu Kaisen." The series introduces a wide range of jujutsu sorcerers, curses, and other characters, each contributing to the complexity of the story and the dynamics within the jujutsu sorcerer world. Character development and interactions are key elements of the series, making the cast an integral part of its appeal. In "Jujutsu Kaisen" features intense and well-choreographed battles between sorcerers and curses. The combat scenes are a significant focus of the series and are known for their dynamic animation.
Directed by: Sunghoo Park
Air dates: October 3, 2020
IMDb rating: 8.5