Hunter X Hunter
Another best Shonen Jump anime of all time is Hunter X Hunter, an immensely popular and critically acclaimed shonen anime and manga series created by Yoshihiro Togashi. One of the standout features of "Hunter x Hunter" is its well-developed and multi-dimensional characters. Each character has unique motivations, backstories, and personal growth arcs. Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, the main characters, all undergo significant character development over the course of the series.
The series explores themes of friendship, determination, and the pursuit of one's goals. Gon and his friends form deep bonds as they face various challenges and adversaries. Their unwavering determination to achieve their objectives is central to the story. Besides, "Hunter x Hunter" introduces the Nen system, a complex and versatile power system that allows characters to develop unique and personalized abilities. Nen battles are strategically and intellectually engaging, adding depth to the action sequences.
The series is divided into several story arcs, each with its own unique tone and narrative focus. These arcs include the Hunter Exam, Yorknew City, Greed Island, Chimera Ants, and more. Each arc presents new challenges, adversaries, and world-building elements that keep viewers invested.
Directed by: Kazuhiro Furuhashi
Air dates: October 16, 1999
IMDb rating: 8.6