One-Punch Man
"One-Punch Man" is a popular and unique shonen anime and manga series that deviates from some of the traditional shonen tropes while embracing others. The main character, Saitama, is a departure from the typical shonen protagonist. He is an ordinary-looking, bald man with no distinctive features. However, he possesses unparalleled strength and the ability to defeat any opponent with a single punch. This subverts the usual trajectory of a hero's growth and development.
Saitama's character arc is unique in that he is already immensely powerful from the start, and his primary struggle is with the boredom and lack of challenge that comes with his strength. He seeks an opponent who can provide him with a real fight. The series features a variety of villains and rival heroes, many of whom are eccentric and comically exaggerated in their appearances and abilities. Some of these characters become recurring foes for Saitama and his allies.
The world of "One-Punch Man" is filled with monsters, mutants, and heroes with superhuman abilities. These elements play a significant role in the story and are a source of both conflict and humor. While the series has overarching storylines, it often parodies the typical shonen storytelling structure. Saitama's desire to find a worthy opponent and his encounters with various characters are the central focus rather than a grand, world-saving quest.
Directed by: Shingo Natsume
Air dates: October 5, 2015
IMDb rating: 8.7