"Haikyuu!!" is a highly acclaimed sports anime and manga series that revolves around the sport of volleyball. Created by Haruichi Furudate, the series follows the journey of Shoyo Hinata, a determined and undersized high school student with a burning passion for volleyball. Despite his stature, Hinata aspires to become a top-level player. The series is known for its compelling character development, intense volleyball matches, and the theme of teamwork. It also explores the rivalries between different high school teams, particularly Karasuno High School, where Hinata and his teammates aim to revive their school's volleyball legacy.
"Haikyuu!!" has captivated audiences with its combination of sportsmanship, humor, and the unyielding spirit of its characters. With multiple seasons of the anime and a successful manga run, it has garnered a dedicated fan base and remains a standout in the world of shonen anime.
Moreover, a key theme in shonen anime is character growth through training and perseverance. In Haikyuu!!, the characters continuously work on improving their volleyball skills and teamwork, leading to noticeable progress throughout the series. The importance of teamwork and camaraderie is a central theme. The members of the Karasuno volleyball team develop strong bonds as they work together to achieve their goals, mirroring the theme of friendship common in shonen anime.
Directed by: Susumu Mitsunaka
Air dates: April 6, 2014
IMDb rating: 8.7