Gintoki Sakata is the main character of the Gintama anime series. He is the Yorozuya's creator and president, as well as a highly competent samurai who fought in the Joui War in the past. Due to his amazing swordplay, devilish look, white clothes, and silver hair, he became known as the Shiroyasha during the war.
Gintoki is lazy. He is frequently shown with a foolish expression on his face and spends his days lazing around reading Shounen Jump. He is always late on his rent because of his poverty and refusal to do anything, and he frequently runs away when Otose, his landlady, comes to collect the payment.
Despite his laziness, Gintoki is dedicated to his job and tries to help people to the best of his ability. He is humorous and single but appreciates relationships more than anyone else in the series. Gintoki is mostly pleased with hanging out with his mates.
Gintoki is portrayed as a coward in the more humorous stories, attempting to abandon many of his friends in order to preserve his own life. He is, however, willing to risk his life for anyone, and he has been proven to be highly loving towards his friends. He is terrified of ghosts but will usually deny their existence to avoid appearing cowardly.
Anime: Gintama
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