God's Gift - 14 Days (2014)

Lee Bo Young returned after "I Hear Your Voice" and after getting married to Ji Sung, and in the Korean crime drama "God's Gift - 14 Days", she proceeded to prove her attractiveness. In addition, this is the first time Lee Bo Young has attempted a new character, namely that of Kim Soo Hyun's mother. Lee Bo Young demonstrated her excellent acting talents as a mother who has lost her daughter and is inconsolable. God's Gift - 14 Days received an overall rating of 9.3 percent, with the highest episode receiving a rating of 10.7 percent.

Kim Soo Hyun traveled back in time as a result of his daughter's unjust death. Kim Soo Hyun has just 14 days to try to find a means to save her kid, and detective Dong Chan (Jo Seung Woo) is there to assist her. Following numerous trials, Soo Hyun also revealed the identity of the murderer. When the audience learns the real identity of the case's culprit, they will be in shock. This particular episode is regarded as the film's ground-breaking plot turn.

Detailed information:
Release date:
March 03, 2014

Length: 16 episodes

Genre: Time travel, ‎Thriller

Directed by: Lee Dong-hoon

Actors: Jo Seung Woo, Lee Bo Young

God's Gift - 14 Days
God's Gift - 14 Days
God's Gift - 14 Days

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