When My Love Blooms (2020)

Lee Bo Young has returned to the melodrama series to further her career after appearing in the psychological and criminal series. The subject of When My Love Blooms is the romance between Han Jae Hyun (Yoo Ji Tae) and Yoo Ji Soo (Lee Bo Young). They were each other's first loves, and destiny brought them back together after a long time apart. They unintentionally find themselves in a contradictory circumstance and fall in love again. However, Han Jae Hyun is currently married, while Ji Soo is a single mother.

Lee Bo Young, known for having outstanding acting skills that allow the actress to convey every gesture, line delivery, and eye contact in the most flexible and natural way possible, did not let the audience down during her performance. inner depth's part in When My Love Blooms. It depicts a smart woman who is trying to manage her emotions, entrancing viewers with a range of emotions that are both simple and profound, powerful and frail, and coupled with first love. a mature and intense love of many calculations in their twenties. When My Love Blooms' writer and director, in fact, very cleverly selected a cast with talent and talent to produce a work that pleases viewers and helps to uphold the reputation of actor Lee Bo Young.

Detailed information:

Release date: April 25, 2020
16 episodes
Psychological, Romance
Directed by:
Son Jung Hyun
Yoo Ji Tae, Lee Bo Young

When My Love Blooms
When My Love Blooms
When My Love Blooms

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