Golden Time
Golden Time is a romantic comedy anime about college students in Tokyo with two leads, Banri Tada and Koko Kaga. Banri Tada is a first-year law student at a private university in Tokyo. Banri is an amnesiac seeking to remember what happened after a traumatic event. Throughout the series, Banri attempts to reconcile his past while adjusting to college and his complicated relationship with Koko Kaga.
Koko Kaga is the female lead of Golden Time. She is a Banri University first-year law student. Koko begins as a wealthy, self-centered young woman enamored with her ex-boyfriend. Koko's character becomes more vulnerable and emotionally complicated as the series develops. When she and Banri become close, the series' romance begins. They become friends and then fall in love.
Golden Time is well-known for its original plot and likable characters. The program has received accolades for its realistic depiction of college life and its ability to address serious issues such as mental illness and self-discovery. The show has gotten positive feedback from both critics and audiences.
Lead: Banri Tada and Koko Kaga.
Episodes: 24.
Duration: 24 min/ep.