Toradora is a romantic comedy anime that follows Taiga Aisaka, Ryuuji Takasu, Minori Kushieda, Yuusaku Kitamura, and Ami Kawashima through their lives. Ryuuji Takasu and Taiga Aisaka, an uncommon couple, assist each other in finding love.
Ryuji Takasu lives in a run-down house with his mother, and despite being a decent guy, he is cursed with his father's evil appearance, which causes people to avoid him. Taiga, a short and fiery girl, suffers from a height complex. Despite their differences, they become friends and help each other with affection.
Ryuuji has feelings for Minori, whereas Taiga has feelings for Yusaku. They face hardships that put their friendship to the test while supporting each other's romantic desires. The anime is balanced by Toradora!'s well-written and varied characters, heartfelt moments, and amusing situations. The series' storyline, character development, and emotional impact have all been praised.
Lead: Ryuuji Takasu and Taiga Aisaka.
Episodes: 25.
Duration: 24 min/ep.