Maid Sama!
The romantic comedy anime series Maid Sama! was inspired by Hiro Fujiwara's work "Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!" - one of the most popular shoujo manga titles of the 2000s.
The plot is as follows: Misaki Ayuzawa is the president of her co-ed school's student council, which has far more boys than girls. To help support her destitute family, she covertly works at a maid cafe. In other words, she has two lives: one as a threatening student leader (especially to boys) and the other as a cute cosplaying waiter.
Takumi Usui, one of the most popular boys at school, finds her secret but does not tell the others. However, this allows him to taunt and regularly appreciate Misaki's manner outside of school. Despite their initial disagreements, Misaki and Usui build a dynamic relationship filled with banter, passion, and comedy.
The sitcom is entertaining because of the comedy, romance, and slice-of-life components. It delves into personal development, societal expectations, and self-acceptance.
Lead: Hanako Koyanagi and Taro Kabakura.
Episodes: 11.
Duration: 22 min/ep.