My Little Monster
The romantic comedy anime series My Little Monster, known as "Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun," is based on Robico's manga. The plot revolves around the unlikely friendship of two very different high school students.
Shizuku Mizutani, the protagonist, is an intellectual and socially reticent young woman who prioritizes her schooling. One day, a fellow student called Haru Yoshida, a troublemaker with a history of violence, is assigned to get her class notes. However, Haru warms up to Shizuku following their first meeting and considers her a friend.
As their friendship develops, Shizuku becomes charmed by Haru's unusual and reckless attitude, and Haru begins to open up emotionally due to Shizuku's influence. The show chronicles their voyage of self-discovery as it examines their confusing feelings for one another while navigating the obstacles and complexities of high school life.
As it illustrates the highs and lows of adolescent romance, My Little Monster covers themes such as friendship, personal development, and the struggle to understand one's feelings. The show combines comedy, drama, and romance to tell a heartfelt and entertaining story. There was a series that didn't exactly break the mold but left you smiling after each episode, owing to a fun OST, decent animation, and characters who shone even brighter when they were all together.
Lead: Shizuku Mizutani and Haru Yoshida.
Episodes: 13.
Duration: 24 min/ep