Grama Bay
Grama Bay is a small but gorgeous cove on Albania's Ionian Sea coast, nearly completely enclosed by high, rocky cliffs. This semi-secret tiny beach is one of the great treasures of the Albanian coast. If you make it here, you won't be disappointed, the crystal blue turquoise ocean beats anything Greece has, the color is enhanced by the white of the beach and cliffs before giving way to the green of the vegetation.
The bay is surrounded by two national parks: the highland Llogara National Park and the marine park Karaburun-Sazan. Not only will the surrounding scenery be preserved in the future, but the area will also become a haven for wildlife, including one of the world's rarest seal species, the Mediterranean monk seal.
However, there are no roads near Gama Bay, and the closest you can go by automobile is many kilometers distant, via mountainous and desolate terrain - something for the adventurous. The most obvious method to get here is by boat, and you'll almost certainly have the cove to yourself.
Location: Bay of Grama, Albania