Help ease insomnia and reduce appearance of stretch marks

Because of its reported potential to cure anxiety, stress, and depression, Gotu kola may also be used to treat the sleeplessness that often accompanies these diseases. Some people believe that this herbal medicine is a safe alternative to prescription pharmaceuticals for treating insomnia and other sleep problems. Although past research indicates that Gotu kola can help cure sleep disturbances, more study is needed to corroborate these findings.

A 2013 study found that Gotu kola can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Terpenoids contained in Gotu kola are known to stimulate collagen formation in the body. This may aid in the prevention of new stretch marks as well as the healing of existing ones.

Help ease insomnia and reduce appearance of stretch marks
Help ease insomnia and reduce appearance of stretch marks
Help ease insomnia and reduce appearance of stretch marks
Help ease insomnia and reduce appearance of stretch marks

Toplist Joint Stock Company
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