May act as an antidepressant

Because of its beneficial influence on brain function, Gotu kola may be an effective antidepressant. A 2016Trusted Source review backs up these findings, thanks in part to a study of 33 persons with generalized anxiety disorder. For 60 days, the individuals were instructed to consume Gotu kola instead of their antidepressant prescription. They reported lower levels of stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Another study mentioned in the review looked at the effect of Gotu kola on rats that had been induced with persistent depression. Herbal medicine improved various aspects of behavioral depression, such as body weight, body temperature, and heart rate. You can take 500 mg twice a day for up to 14 days at a time. During times of severe depression, you can take up to 2,000 mg per day.

May act as an antidepressant
May act as an antidepressant
May act as an antidepressant
May act as an antidepressant

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