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Nguyễn Hồng Le

Hope is built based on a true case that once shocked Korea. The eight-year-old girl So-won is the focus of the movie's plot. Innocent, carefree, and loved by my family, I go to school and return home every day, much like many of my classmates, so I am quite happy. However, a significant occurrence has altered everything. I absolutely changed after that.

It rained that day, just like it did every day when she went to school, but on the way there she encountered a middle-aged guy who asked to borrow her umbrella, so she gave it to him. He brought her to an abandoned bathroom where he committed the horrible deed that would permanently alter her life.

She was brought to the hospital while comatose and unconscious, with huge and little bruises alternately covering her body and bleeding, swollen cuts on her face. When they saw the tragic scenario, her parents passed out. Her mother sobbed uncontrollably and remarked, "There are so many children in the world. Why is my daughter forced to endure this?

Because he has to be strong to be with her mother and because he doesn't want her mother to suffer any longer, her father, who is incredibly devastated, nonetheless attempts to control his tears. There were times when I broke down and sobbed, so I had to hide in a secret place to prevent others from seeing, work to dry my eyes, and then pick the appropriate path back to reality. signed a document committing herself to having surgery since her organs are all significantly injured and she will no longer be able to use the restroom as she normally would. That incident will remain etched in her mind forever, plaguing her mentality even as she grows up.

Release date: October 2, 2013

Director: Lee Joon-ik

Cast: Sol Kyung-Gu, Uhm Ji-Won, Lee Re, Kim Hae-Sook, Kim Sang-Ho, Ra Mi-Ran, Yang Jin-Sung, Kim Do-Yeob,...

Running time: 122 minutes

Rating: 8,2/10 IMDb

Video on Lotte Entertainment
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Screenshot ò Mubi

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