Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
The third installment of the Indiana Jones film series reunites the eponymous character, Harrison Ford, with his father, Henry Jones, played by legendary actor Sean Connery. Jones is once again pitted against Nazi forces on the hunt for another precious item, the mythical Holy Grail. Tank battles, air clashes, double crosses, and, of course, legendary shocks are among the incredible adventures that the father and son combo go on.
The Last Crusade is a highly full film, revealing Jones' past, depicting his bond with his father, and offering a top-tier adventure plot. It concludes what many consider the original trilogy, which excludes the fourth film Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. After branching out into more dramatic pictures at this stage in his career, The Last Crusade demonstrated that Spielberg's filmmaking still had a colorful, entertaining side to it.
Detailed information:
Director: Steven Spielberg
Stars: Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Alison Doody
Running time: 128 minutes
Release date: May 24, 1989