Stardust is a one-of-a-kind and intriguing adventure film that blends themes of fantasy and romance. This 2007 picture, directed by Matthew Vaughn, stars Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Robert De Niro and is based on Neil Gaiman's book of the same name.
Stardust opens in the English town of Wall, which borders Stormhold, the magical country. No one is permitted to cross the border between the two countries, but Dunstan Thorne fools the wall guard and does so one evening, encountering an enslaved princess called Una in a Stormhold marketplace. Dunstan receives a baby called Tristan nine months later. Tristan spots a falling star and chooses to preserve it for his girlfriend Victoria eighteen years later. Tristan receives a Babylon candle from his mother after finding that she is from Stormhold, which has the mystical power to transfer him to any area. Simultaneously, the king of Stormhold tosses a ruby into the sky and vows that whoever of his sons obtains the ruby will be his successor. The ruby collides with a star, causing it to fall from the sky and so commencing Tristan's quest. At the same time, a party of witches pursues the star in order to restore their youth, as a star may offer immortality. Several tales ensue as several organizations hunt for the star for their own reasons and objectives.
Stardust is a terrific picture that presents a unique narrative, while being a touch campy and incoherent at moments. This adventure picture, which received a Hugo Award, was adored by both spectators and critics.
Detailed information:
Director: Gabriel Range
Stars: Johnny Flynn, Marc Maron, Jena Malone
Release dates: October 16, 2020