Kyoto Animation
The Japanese animation studio and light novel publisher Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd., also known as KyoAni (, Kyani), is situated in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture. Hideaki and Yoko Hatta, who are now the company's president and vice-president, created it in 1985.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (2006), Clannad (2007), K-On! (2009), Free! (2013), Sound! Euphonium (2015), A Quiet Voice (2016), and Violet Evergarden are just a few of the anime movies and series that Kyoto Animation has created (2018).
Kyoto Animation prefers to work with salaried animators who are always on staff rather than independent contractors because of its changing aesthetic and distinctive, instantly recognizable characters. They are renowned for producing some legendary anime, including Full Metal Panic, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Violet Evergarden.
Founded: July 12, 1985
Headquarters: Uji, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
Number of employees: 137