Licht Bach, also known as Sakai Rihito, is the main male protagonist of Plunderer. He is known as the "Flash Baron" and is one of the seven Legendary Red Barons. Licht holds the Flashing Strike power, which offers him incredible speed and quickness.
In terms of intentions, he is ambiguous. He does his hardest to hide the fact that he is a Baron, but his enormous strength and refusal to let people suffer forces him to disclose himself frequently. He's also openly perverted and needy to the point of becoming ridiculous. On first acquaintance, he may appear to be mischievous.
Licht's augmented legs allow him to move at speeds that exceed the speed of light. His incredible speed allows him to surpass sound, making his opponents unable to detect his movements. He also has superhuman reactions, enabling him to react quickly to any circumstance.
Licht's skills extend to his ability to jump, allowing him to leap to incredible heights and span great distances. Those who witness this incredible skill frequently mistake it for flight. Licht can gain quantum mass by moving at high speeds and delivering powerful strikes. He also has the ability to throw objects at extremely high speeds, causing significant harm to whatever it hits.
Anime: Plunderer
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