Yoruichi Shihoin

Yoruichi Shihoin is the former captain of the Gotei 13's 2nd Division and the previous leader of the Onmitsukid. Marenoshin Omaeda was her Commander. She has given up command of both positions and now works with Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi in the Urahara Shop in the Human World.
Yoruichi is bright and humorous, with deep knowledge of Soul Society and its workings. Despite her high birth, she behaves differently than most other nobles. Yoruichi is quite laid-back and fun, often teasing or flirting with others younger than her, but being relatively calm and adult when the circumstance calls for it.
Yoruichi is regarded by many as Soul Society's most skilled Hoh master. Her specialty is Shunpo, often known as the flash step, which grants her great speed and agility. Her control of this technique is so complete that she has earned the title "Flash Goddess" for her unmatched ability.
Yoruichi Shihoin can create the illusion of simultaneous presence in various locations thanks to her exceptional knowledge of Shunpo. What distinguishes Yoruichi is her ability to cover great distances quickly while remaining undetected. Even seasoned professionals like Byakuya have been taken aback by her incredible speed and silence. Yoruichi's versatility goes beyond mastering the Onmitsukid's speed-oriented skills.
Anime: Bleach
Watch here: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G63VGG2NY/bleach