Limiting distractions and practicing eating mindfully
People often do other things while eating. Many people, on the other hand, overeat because they don't pay enough attention to what they're eating. Distracted eating, according to a 2013 review of 24 research, can lead to an increase in immediate food consumption. Keeping distractions to a minimum at mealtimes allows the body to concentrate on the task at hand: eating.
Mindfulness focuses on helping people focus on their current feelings, emotions, and thoughts in a nonjudgmental way Mindful eating might help people avoid overeating. According to a 2014 review of 21 studies, mindful eating habits improved targeted eating behaviors including binge eating and emotional eating in 18 of them. Focus on the feelings that food makes on the tongue, how it smells and its texture to practice mindful eating. When eating, people should turn off their laptops, tablets, phones, and televisions.