Top 4 in Top 10 Foods High in Biotin

Liver may be controversial because of its strong flavor and unique texture. While some people love it, others hate it. Because livers from many different animals are consumed worldwide, it is possible to get beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and goose liver at butcher shops and grocery stores all throughout the country.
Certain organ meats, especially liver, are high in biotin. Nearly 31 mcg of biotin or 103% of the DV, may be found in just 3 ounces (75 grams) of cooked beef liver. A whopping 138 mcg, or 460% of the DV, may be found in one serving of cooked chicken liver, which is an even richer source. Some people like their liver cooked as a topping for spaghetti meals, minced into homemade burger patties, or fried with onions.