May Aid Weight Loss

Your waistline may benefit from fava beans. Fava beans include 187 calories per one-cup (170-gram) serving, 13 grams of protein, and 9 grams of fiber. One small study in 19 adults found that a diet with 30% of calories from protein increased feelings of fullness and decreased daily calorie intake by an average of 441 calories, compared to a diet with the same number of calories but only 15% from protein. A diet high in protein and fiber may improve feelings of fullness, which may lead to a lower calorie intake and weight loss.
Those who had a high-fiber diet with more than 15 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories shed more weight (nearly five pounds, or 2.4 kg) than those who consumed a diet with less fiber throughout the course of four-year research including 522 participants. So, including fava beans, which are high in protein and fiber, in your diet may help you lose weight.