Mindvalley Project

The Mindvalley Podcast is hosted by Vishen Lakhiani. It's a fairly new self-help podcast, but it's one of the best currently accessible. To ensure you are becoming the finest version of yourself possible, Lakhiani delivers guidance and information from some of the other top professionals in the field of self-help and inspiration. Tom Chi, Neale Donald Walsch, the Butchers, and others are just a few of the people that have been featured on the Mindvalley Podcast.
There are several themes discussed as well, like how to operate a successful business, how to grow in confidence to become the best version of yourself, and how to be more attentive. Furthermore, The Mindvalley Podcast focuses on many life stages, making this self-help podcast suitable for both young and old men. Subjects for practically everything you might possibly need to help yourself. Many of the podcasts are organized by topic on the website to make it easier to find what you're looking for. When you need extra support in these areas, there are even podcasts available to aid you with love and relationships.
Link to listen: https://podcast.mindvalley.com/