The Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll's commitment to long-distance running can be seen in the speed and consistency with which he delivers his podcasts, several of which are over two hours long. Roll, a 53-year-old plant-based ultramarathon runner, just crossed the 500-episode mark on his renowned podcast.
Roll provides a platform for scientists, athletes, and thought leaders to discuss their perspectives in a conversational context that is both easygoing and rigorous on The Rich Roll Podcast. Roll is a fantastic interviewer, putting his guests at ease while also challenging their viewpoints. Roll approaches all of his visitors with a believable sense of humanity, from recovering addicts like Amy Dresner to former Navy Seal David Goggins. California's sun-kissed feelings pervade his presentation, which contrasts with Roll's earlier battles with drinking and addiction. You should start with the show's yearly highlight episodes for a glimpse into his extensive library.
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