Mofo Gasy
One of the Malagasy people's favorite breakfasts is Mofo Gasy, which translates to Malagasy bread. Rice flour donuts are a type of donut. Very tasty with a cup of tea or coffee in the morning.
Because the taste and shape of the donut are so important, it takes a lot of experience and talent to make this donut. And the experts in the area are adamant about keeping their trade secrets to themselves. Nonetheless, I was able to come up with a few recipes that might work.
Rice flour, yeast, water, and sugar are the main ingredients. These ingredients must be blended with water in a dish or salad bowl to make a smooth, uniform mixture (neither too watery nor too thick). After that, set aside for an hour, then take a special mofo gasy mold, oil the bottom of each hole, heat, and pour the leg into it, being careful not to overfill the cells due to the increased volume of the pancake after cooking.