Greek mythology's Nemesis goddess predates Zeus. She is the goddess of vengeance, but she also represents divine retribution against anyone who objects to their rightful punishment. Those who committed wrongdoing against others or gathered wealth they didn't earn would be subject to judgment and punishment by her. She served as a symbol for the penalties associated with every crime and was also regarded as the deity of retribution. For this reason, she was revered by many as the incarnation of all the consequences of sin in life.
The goddess Nemesis, who initially distributed a person's just fate, both good and bad in proportion to their actions and intentions here on earth, evolved into the goddess of justice or retribution over time. When there is an imbalance in fate and it seems like the bad guys are winning, she balances things out and righted the scales. Her vengeful retaliation was only reserved for those who were unable to accept their right fate and possessed the hubris or arrogance to object to the gods' actions.
However, Nemesis wasn't renowned for judging crime or offenders with personal grudges. Nemesis was the goddess who dealt justly, giving to each person what was rightfully theirs depending on their life's deeds. She likes to consider each man's whole circumstance before determining whether to bestow him with varying degrees of bliss or a heavy dose of punishment. Her acts were intended to keep human affairs in balance. She was the one who sidled out happiness while also doling out suffering. It was her responsibility to ensure that there wasn't an excessive amount of either joy or grief.