Nestlé has maintained its reputation for quality and developed a strong brand image in China by establishing a presence in a variety of food categories and cultivating a close connection with Chinese customers. As a result, Nestlé became one of the most popular manufacturers in China, both for fast foods such as ice cream and for daily items including chocolate and coffee.
The business has expanded its freezer storage space in Guangzhou and created a new manufacturing line in Tianjin to develop its famous Nestlé 8Cubes label. Nestlé 8Cubes is a collaborative bite-size snack available solely in China. It consists of separate ice cream cubes coated in a crispy choco and sesame seed covering.
Nestlé has two facilities of ice cream in China, producing both Nestlé-branded goods and local brand 5Rams. The 5Rams line is well known for its ice cream cones, which come in flavors like lychee, purple yam, and melon. Also, various ice cream sticks are available in flavors such as green bean, red bean, and chestnut.
Founded: 1866
Headquarters (China branch): Beijing
Revenue: $9072B