Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
The Novosibirsk State University, located on Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia, 630090, is ranked third in our list of the top ten best universities in Russia according to QS World University Rankings.
Novosibirsk State University is a major Russian university that is part of a network of national research institutes. The university's research institutes and laboratories perform study in a variety of subjects, and large funding have been awarded for research in medicine, astronautics, physics, and chemistry.
Among the university's research endeavors are investigations of the viruses causing encephalitis, Marburg, Ebola, and numerous kinds of influenza. NSU routinely obtains awards in many ratings in the field of scientific work, and it is popular with foreign students, who account for over 15% of all students.
It is tough to gain admission to the NSU - on average, there are ten candidates for first place - therefore prepare carefully for the entrance tests and submit certificates and evidence of your accomplishments. The institution comprises 14 faculties in all, with physical and mathematical sciences being one of the most popular. In 2014, an NSU graduate launched a private space satellite into orbit for the first time in Russia.
During their studies, many major organizations are looking for exceptional students: an NSU diploma is a good opportunity to earn a worthy place in Russian and abroad companies (Intel, Google, Rosbank, Gazprom). NSU collaborates closely with foreign universities, primarily in particle physics and astrophysics.
Nonresident and international students can live in Akademgorodok dormitories of the block or apartment type. Meals are available both on university grounds and in downtown cafes (the second option is more expensive).
The Novosibirsk Akademgorodok provides students with a diverse range of sporting opportunities, including pools, fitness facilities, ski slopes, dance clubs, boat clubs, and so on. Novosibirsk is one of the top 100 cities in the world for higher education. Interest clubs bring NSU students together.
In addition to classroom buildings, the university contains research institutes with cutting-edge technology and a library with a total shelf length of 27 kilometers.
NSU's academic year is broken into two semesters. Additional charges will include: $ 88 per month for lodging, $ 98 per month for food, and $ 70 per month for incidental expenses (transportation, communication, leisure and recreation).
Applicants, like those at other universities in the country, must submit proof of previous education and pass the entrance exams by the deadlines stipulated by the admissions committee.
Founded: 1958
Location: Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia, 630090
Phone: +7 383 363-43-33