Consuming nuts as part of a heart-healthy diet may be beneficial. Unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients can be found in nuts. They also make wonderful snack food because they are cheap, portable, and simple to store.
Almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts are among the nut varieties with the highest magnesium content. For instance, 82 mg of magnesium, or 20% of the RDI, can be found in a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of cashews. In addition to being a rich source of fiber and monounsaturated fat, most nuts have been demonstrated to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels in diabetics. Brazil nuts are incredibly rich in selenium as well. Two Brazil nuts provide more than 100% of the RDI for this mineral. Additionally, nuts have anti-inflammatory properties, are good for the heart, and can help with hunger suppression when consumed as snacks.